ru en de fr pt es pl ua tr ar hi id zh-CN

FunPay Payments

Buy our key on the marketplace FunPay
Europe Ukraine and Other Countries...

Make a donation

FunPay Payments
In a chat with the seller on the funpay website, indicate your profile email where you need to activate the key.
After the donation, click on the button (I paid), after checking your purchase by the Administrator, the key will be automatically credited to your profile.
After activation, do not forget to confirm on the FunPay platform that you have received your key.

After activation, do not forget to confirm on the FunPay platform that you have received your key.
If you were not immediately credited with the key, do not worry, it will definitely be credited. As soon as the administrator checks your donation, the key will be automatically credited to your profile.
After the purchase, in a chat with the seller on the funpay website, indicate your email profile where you need to activate the key.

ru en de fr pt es pl ua tr ar hi id zh-CN